
Snorkel Kits

At Everything Yamaha Offroad, you can discover a wide range of Yamaha Viking snorkel kits, including the latest 2021 and 2022 models. Whether you need a 2014 or 2016 Yamaha Viking snorkel kit, we have you covered. Our team is always available to assist you with your Yamaha Viking snorkel kit installation. If you encounter any difficulties, simply contact us, and we will be happy to lend you a helping hand. Enjoy your off-road adventure with confidence thanks to our quality Yamaha Viking snorkel kits that can withstand the toughest conditions. Check out our website today and find the perfect Yamaha Viking snorkel kit for your needs.

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Whether you plan to be sloshing around some boggy terrain or not, there’s no bad time to invest in a Yamaha Viking snorkel kit because it’s an excellent way to deliver clean air to the areas of your side by side that need it the most. But we’re definitely not stopping at full Yamaha Viking snorkel kits - we’re bringing you a growing library of Yamaha Viking snorkel gear replacements, snorkel gear upgrades, individual snorkel parts, and a whole lot more. These Yamaha Viking snorkel kits were designed to be installed and removed in a snap, and we’ve got plenty of options for adding a bit of extra flare to your ride. We even have colored, UV-resistant decals and lights for your riser kits, which come available in several colors. As always, everything comes with all the hardware you will need, including rubber boot connections, vent lines and connectors, and so on. No tuning or jetting required.

Of course, if you do plan to be taking your Viking “raiding” through some deeper waters, the Yamaha Viking snorkel kit becomes less of a nice frill and more of a total necessity. And the last thing you want to do while hooking your ride up with fully amphibious capabilities is to haggle over last-minute tuning and other adjustments. But rest assured, just because these Yamaha Viking snorkel kits, gear tools, upgrades, and other parts are ready to go from the initial installation, doesn’t mean they’re some flimsy “one-size-fits-all” situation. These kits were made for your exact vehicle - that’s why they fit like a glove, outperform the competition, and stay put as long as you need them.